- Odin
- Onyx
- Olympus
- Outlaw
- Octavius
- Omen
- Oxford
- Orion
- Overton
- Osiris
- Oodles
- Ollipop
- Ozzie-Bear
- Oopsy
- Otto-Pup
- Oki-Doki
- Oodlebug
- Oatsy
- Otterpop
- Owlet
- Oakley
- Ocean
- Orchid
- Ozone
- Oasis
- Obsidian
- Ochre
- Olive Branch
- Ocelot
- Oriole
- Oberon (King of the Fairies in A Midsummer Night’s Dream)
- Orpheus (Legendary Greek musician)
- Ozymandias (Inspired by Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II)
- Oswin (Old English meaning “divine friend”)
- Odysseus (From The Odyssey)
- Omari (Swahili for “flourishing”)
- Osric (Medieval warrior name)
- Orenji (Japanese for “orange”)
- Oryx (Exotic antelope species)
- Ozalith (Fantasy-style name)
- Oregano
- Ovaltine
- Onion
- Orange Peel
- Okra
- Olive Pesto
- Oreo Crunch
- Oatcake
- Ouzo (Greek anise-flavored drink)
- Oban (Scottish whisky)
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